Animal Science Forms
Horse & Dog Identification Cards
If you are planning to show or participate in any horse show events during the year, you need to register your horse with your local 4-H Office by completing a Maryland 4-H Club Horse & Pony Identification Card. File with the Harford County 4-H Office one card for each horse by May 1 of the current year.
If you are planning to show or participate in any dog show events during the year, you need to register your dog with your local 4-H Office by completing a Maryland 4-H Dog Identification Card. File with the Harford County 4-H Office one card for each dog by May 1 of the current year.
Leasing Program
The Animal Lease Release form must accompany either the Breeding or Performance Animal Lease form below. Leasing agreements are due May 1 of the current year with the Harford County 4-H Office.
Breeding Animal Lease Guidelines
The Maryland 4-H Breeding Animal Lease Program is applicable to registered breeding stock of the following 4-H projects: beef, dairy, sheep, swine and goats (dairy & meat).
Performance Animal Lease Guidelines
The Maryland 4-H Performance Animal Lease Program is applicable to performance animals of the following 4-H projects: horses, dogs, alpacas, llamas & pack goats.
Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance Program
The site will open in April and remain open through mid August. Completion of this program is required to show your project animal(s) in County and State 4-H Shows. The deadline to complete the training is July 15 for Harford County 4-H members. For further details: Program Guidelines and Tips.
Self-Certification Forms
Self-certification forms are required to accompany animals at exhibitions. They must be completed and signed by the exhibitor within 24 hours of the start of the exhibition. Forms are available online for livestock, equine, poultry and rabbits on the MD Department of Agriculture website:
Camp Counselors
Camp Counselor applications for the 2025 Harford County 4-H Camping season are being accepted until Friday, December 13, 2024. Applications and Recommendation forms may be submitted via email to Marylisa Schaedel, 4-H Agent Associate, at or mailed to the 4-H Office, 3525 Conowingo Road, Suite 600, Street, MD 21154.
Teens must be 14 years old as of June 1, 2025, in order to be a Counselor in Training (CIT).
Counselor in Training (CIT) Application
Welcome to the 2024 Harford County 4-H Camping season! Exciting residential and day camp programs are planned that will help you, as a camper, learn new things, meet new people and make new friends. Trained adult staff and teen leaders are anxious to help youth learn and grow in a safe environment.
Registration, Health & Code of Conduct forms and fees are due May 1, 2024.
Harford County 4-H Camp
- June 17-21, 2024, at the Rocks 4-H Camp
- Residential and Day Camp open to all youth ages 8-13 as of January 1, 2024
- Clovers ages 5-7, as of January 1, 2024, would attend the Day Camp program only
- Day Campers are to be dropped off between 8:00-9:00 am and picked up by 5:00 pm. Breakfast and lunch are included.
- Residential fees: $400 for 4-H members enrolled by May 1; $450 for non 4-H members
- Day Camp fees: $300 for 4-H members enrolled by May 1; $350 for non 4-H members
- You must register using Eventbrite:
- Registration, Health & Code of Conduct forms will be emailed within 5 days of registering for camp using the Eventbrite link or can be found below:
- Harford County 4-H Camp Application Form
- Maryland 4-H Camp Health Form
- Maryland 4-H Youth Code of Conduct Form
Autumn 4-H Cloverbud Days
Clovers, youth ages 5-7, are invited to attend each session being held at the Harford County Ag Center from 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Learn about the sounds, sight and smells of autumn in September; compare apples to apples in October; and be an insect detective in November. Please register at:

Diamond Clover

The Diamond Clover Award Program engages 4-H youth in a variety of projects and activities that will enable them to acquire skills related to leadership, community service, civic engagement and advocacy. The award consists of six levels that require a 4-H member to plan and accomplish a broad range of age-appropriate goals with supportive volunteers and community members. The Diamond Clover Project is one-way 4-H youth can make a lasting difference in their community.
Diamond Clover - FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
The first five levels are listed below. Click on the Word file to begin the process for the level that you are on. Starting with Level One and working your way up each year. The first five levels are submitted to the Harford County 4-H Office.
Level One Plan and Report/ Word Version - Click HERE
Level Two Plan and Report/ Word Version - Click HERE
Level Three Plan and Report/ Word Version - Click HERE
Level Four Plan and Report/ Word Version - Click HERE
Level Five Plan and Report/ Word Version - Click HERE
Diamond Clover - Level 6 Information
Diamond Clover – Level 6 applications are due to the state 4-H Office by September 30. Your local program Educator and Diamond Clover Advisory Committee will need to review your proposal before you submit your proposal to the PORTAL below. After your Educator approves your proposal, download all documents, fill in all information, then upload them to the Portal below.
Level Six Service Learning Project Proposal Form (Word Version HERE) - This is your planning document and your proposal form.
Submit PROPOSAL Documents to this portal ONLY. Final project reports are to be submitted to the portal below. ALL documents must be uploaded into the PORTAL to be considered submitted. If you are having problems uploading, please consult your County/City 4-H Office for assistance.
Separate Diamond Clover Level 6 into 2 boxes. 1st box is for Proposals and 2nd box is for Final Reports.
Once you have completed your approved Diamond Clover Project and you have received all appropriate signatures on the final report cover page, submit your Diamond Clover level 6 report pdf and Word Version and support materials by September 30 in the Portal link below.
Diamond Clover Level 6 Final Report Requirements:
- Level 6 Diamond Clover Final Report Cover Page with appropriate signatures included
- Project Logs – The Financial & Work Logs used throughout the project which are located on the last pages of the proposal document.
- Summary/Reflection – 2- to 4-page synopsis of your project including the following information:
- brief description of your project and the need it addressed
- what you learned and accomplished
- any changes you would make if you did the project again
- any challenges you faced and how you overcame them
- the plan for sustainability
- educational/promotional efforts
- description of the most important life skills you learned and applied as you worked on the different stages of your project
- Note: this is one complete essay. It should have continuous flow.
- MD 4-H Gala Write-Up – A synopsis of your overall project that may be read (2 minutes or less) at the Maryland 4-H Gala. You may use information from the Overview Section of your proposal or the Summary/Reflection (see above). This write-up should be written in first person “I chose to…An obstacle I overcame was…” etc.
- Photos – Any photos that document your project, if applicable
- Public Relations – Examples of social media, news articles, or other sources that document recognition of your project, if applicable
If appropriate guidelines are not followed, project will not be recognized. All dates must be observed to achieve recognition.
Harford County Farm Fair
2025 Harford County Farm Fair
The 2025 Harford County Farm Fair will be held July 19 - July 26. 4-H fair packets (wristbands, parking tags, indoor entry tags, t-shirts, etc.) are available for pick up at the Extension Office. Our office is open 8:00am - 4:30 pm.
Please refer to the 4-H Catalog for department rules, classes and exhibit descriptions.
- The online entry system for the 2024 Harford County Farm Fair will be accepting entries until 11:59 pm on Thursday, June 20, 2024. All entries (indoor and outdoor), except Clovers, will be entered online this year.
- The online entry link is:
- Click Register in the upper left side of the screen.
- Write down your password!!
- Print your confirmation screen!! The software DOES NOT send an email confirmation.
- Clovers, youth ages 5-7, should use this form to register their entries for the Fair.
Fashion Revue Department Forms
- The links referenced in the 4-H Catalog can be found below. Please note all forms & narrations are due to the 4-H Office by Sunday, June 23.
Past Results
Horse Activities
4-H Horseless Horse Program
Are you interested in learning all about horses, but do not own a horse or pony? That's okay! Join us for a 6-week program funded by the Maryland Horse Industry Board Grant to learn all about equine breeds, tack, feed, grooming, careers and everything in between. The first class starts Thursday, February 6 at the Harford County Extension Office at 6:30 pm. To register, visit:

Meal Appeal Contest
4-H clubs are encouraged to plan a properly balanced menu based on the MyPlate Guidelines and prepare one dish from the menu for the judges that day. Club members will demonstrate how to prepare the dish as a team incorporating 3 ingredients and a kitchen tool from the mystery list provided upon receipt of registration.
Individuals can participate as well by giving demonstrations or presenting a nutritional poster, place setting or healthy lunch box.
The Harford County 4-H Meal Appeal Contest will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025 at the 4-H Camp between 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. Clubs are awarded a reimbursement for supplies thanks to the Harford County 4-H Leaders' Association.
Rules 2025 Updates Hints Setting the Table Club Registration Individual Registration
Public Speaking Contest
Contest Date: Sunday, March 30, 2025 at the Harford County Ag Center beginning at 1:00 pm
Registration Due: March 21, 2025
Join other 4-H'ers as they prepare to improve on a major life skill through participation in the Harford County 4-H Public Speaking Contest. The categories available to compete in are: prepared speech, extemporaneous speech, radio spot, demonstration, visual presentation and interpretations, which are divided by age groups (Junior, Intermediate & Senior). Champion winners (including individual demonstrations given during Meal Appeal) will be invited to speak during the MD State 4-H Public Speaking event on Saturday, April 26 during Maryland Day at College Park. For contest details, including the State Contest, visit:
The following options are available, but will not be eligible for the State Public Speaking event: Juniors can choose to recite the 4-H Pledge. Clovers (youth ages 5-7) may choose to recite the 4-H Pledge, do Show & Tell or use their favorite book. The Duo Dialogue is also offered for all age groups as well.
Both state and county contest categories & rules can be found in the link below.
Contest Categories & Rules Registration MD State 4-H Score Sheets
Record Books
4-H Record Book Information:
- Harford County Record Book/Portfolio Guidelines
- Record Book Format Guidelines (Table of Contents & which items are optional)
- 4-H Story Guidelines - How to write your 4-H story.
- 4-H Senior Portfolio - Essay question, help guides & examples for youth ages 14 -18. Open the link and choose the "National 4-H Leadership Opportunities" accordion.
4-H Record Book Forms:
- Title Page (PDF - First page in Record Book with a picture of you)
- Title Page (Word - First page in Record Book with a picture of you)
- 4-H Summary Record (PDF)
- 4-H Summary Record (Word)
- Project Record Sheet (PDF) *Do not use for animals projects - see below for specific species.
- Project Record Sheet (Word) *Do not use for animals projects - see below for specific species.
- Clover Scrapbook (For youth ages 5-7)
- E-Record Book (Form to include with your thumb drive)
4-H Animal Project Records:
- Maryland 4-H Animal Science Records State Award Program Guide -
To submit login into Maryland 4-H Online, under the events tab search for "State 4-H Animal Science Record Book Contest" to upload your 3 forms. The portal will be open from October 1 - 25. - Maryland 4-H Animal Science Record Awards - Submission Helpsheet
- Maryland 4-H Animal Science Records State Award Program Essay Scoresheet
- 4-H Camelid Project Record Download Word version, Download PDF version
- 4-H Dairy Project Record Go to 4-H Dairy Record Page (link is external)
- 4-H Dog Project Record Download Word version, Download PDF version
- 4-H Horse Project Record Download Word version, Download PDF version
- 4-H Large Animal Breeding Record Download Word version, Download PDF version
- 4-H Market Livestock Project Record Download Word version, Download PDF version
- 4-H Poultry Project Record Download Word version, Download PDF version
- 4-H Rabbit and Cavy Project Record Download Word version, Download PDF version
- 4-H Small Pet Project Record Download Word version, Download PDF version
Spring Weighing & Tagging
The mandatory tagging and weigh-in for market sheep, swine and goats; commercial breeding animals; and feeder dairy steers will be held at the Equestrian Center (Harford County fairgrounds) May 7-8, 2024, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.
The carbon (triplicate) registration form, Code of Ethics and ear tag fees are due to the 4-H Office by May 1. Please use a separate registration form (available at the 4-H Office) for each species, this includes a separate form for commercial animals. Late registrations will be accepted when accompanied with a $20 late fee per head in addition to the $2 ear tag fee ($22 total per head).
Please note the following information:
- Please do not mail the 4-H Market Livestock Production Record. This is for you to keep to record your animal’s Rate of Gain.
- The MD 4-H On-Line Animal Husbandry & Quality Assurance (AH&QA) Training site is located at:
- Your veterinarian will have the Maryland Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) forms.
- 4-H’ers may only tag three market swine animals. You may only bring two of these animals to the Harford County Farm Fair.

The MD 4-H Livestock Registration Form does not automatically enter you into the Harford County Farm Fair. The online entry system will be activated in May.
Steer Weighing & Tagging
The ownership deadline for Market Beef & Dairy Steers is January 1, 2025. Animals must be registered in the individual name of the 4-H member. The mandatory tagging and weigh-in for steers will be held at the Equestrian Center (Harford County fairgrounds) from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm on Saturday, January 11. **All steers must have halters on and be halter-broken.
The MD 4-H Livestock Registration Form (carbon/triplicate form) and ear tag fees are due to the 4-H Office on or before Thursday, January 2, 2025. Late registrations will be accepted when accompanied with an additional $20 per head late fee ($22 with ear tag fee). Packets will be mailed to those 4-H'ers with Beef or Dairy Steer projects listed in 4H Online no later than November 30.
- Animal health forms are not required to be completed for weigh-in.
- Forms & fees may be dropped off in the 4-H Office; drop slot located beside the front door of the Harford County Ag Center (Blue House/Grove side parking lot); or mailed to 3525 Conowingo Road, Suite 600, Street, MD 21154.
- Checks made payable to: Harford County EAC
- The 4-H Market Livestock Production Record (Rate of Gain worksheet) is for you to keep at home.

Winter Workshop
Beat the Winter Blahs! This county-wide activity is open to all youth between the ages of 8-14. No Clover classes (youth ages 5-7) will be offered. This is a great opportunity for youth to learn more about their favorite project, develop a new skill and complete a project that you can take home and/or enter in the fair. Winter Workshop will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2025, at the Harford County Ag Center.
(Current information will be uploaded after the New Year!) You must pre-register by February 16, 2024; cost is $25 per participant which includes lunch. Offered classes, schedule and registration can be found here:
2025 4-H Winter Workshop