Updated: June 23, 2021
By Joseph Fiola, Ph.D.

A list of publications and other resources for commercial grapes


A Sustainable Practices Workbook For Wine Grape Growing In Maryland (Workbook) This workbook (120 pages) is designed to allow wine grape growers to assess their vineyard's position regarding sustainability. It is to help growers to improve practices. The workbook is to serve as a measurement as well as an educational tool.
Wine Grape Production Guide for Eastern North America (Production Guide NRAES-145) Wine Grape Production Guide for Eastern North America provides information on all aspects of wine grape culture including site selection and preparation, trellising and pruning, disease and pest identification, nutrient management, irrigation, pesticide application, harvesting, vineyard cost and returns, and grape sales. Ag Science Inc. bookstore List Price $90.00. The book was written by 16 authors and improved after it was reviewed by 40 experts from 21 states and Canada. Tony Wolf, Virginia tech, lead author and editor, Terry Bates, Cornell University, William Boyd, formerly with Surry Community College, John Boyer, Virginia Tech, Mark Chien, Penn State University, Jeffery Derr, Virginia Tech, Keith Dickinson, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Gill Giese, Surry Community College, Andrew Landers, Cornell University, Tim Martinson, Cornell University, Douglas Pfeiffer, Virginia Tech, Andrew Reynolds, Brock University, Ontario, Canada, David Ross, University of Maryland, Fritz Westover, Virginia Tech, Wayne Wilcox, Cornell University, Thomas Zabadal, Michigan State University.  A free downloadable version of the Wine Grape Production Guide for Eastern North America (Production Guide NRAES-145) is available. https://ecommons.cornell.edu/handle/1813/67189.
A Pocket Guide for Grape IPM Scouting in the North Central and Eastern U.S. E2889 This plastic-coated scouting guide with its 3.5 by 5.0-inch pages is designed to fit in your pocket for easy field pictures and description, it will help you to identify common pests and their damage, natural enemies, a disease caused by birds, hail, and herbicides. It also offers guidelines for monitoring and some thresholds. Updated - 2011 To order a hard copy go to Michigan State University Extension Bookstore List Price: $20.00
By Rufus Isaacs, Annemiek Schilder, Tom Zabadal, and Tim Weigle
VineBalance Sustainable Viticulture in the Northeast (WEB) Workbook is designed to both document sustainable grape growing practices already in place and promote sustainable practices throughout the industry.
Grapes Of The Hudson Valley
Is a practical guide for those who have an affinity for hybrid grapes and wines. Casscles enthusiastically shares his first-hand knowledge both in the vineyard and in the cellar to provide insight into the age-old vinifera vs. hybrid debate. His grape descriptions cover the common labrusca and French- American hybrids popular in northern America, as well as some forgotten varieties, and even vinifera, that can be successfully grown east of the Mississippi and north of the Mason-Dixon Line. GRAPES OF THE HUDSON VALLEY presents key information on winter hardiness, vigor, fruit productivity, and wine quality, and is a valuable companion for budding vineyardists, seasoned growers, and winemakers who share cool climates and short growing seasons. It will also appeal to wine drinkers everywhere who enjoy cold-weather grape varietals, properly fermented and in their glass. This publication can be obtained by Flint Mine Press, List Price: $29.99, Author: J. Stephen Casscles

Other Resources

Fruit Web pages on Production & Harvesting, Cultivars & Rootstocks, Soil Fertility & Management, Pest & Diseases, Weed Management, Organic Production, Sustainable Agriculture, Personal Safety, and Business Management.
Penn State Extension
Grapes Information on how to start a vineyard, managing the vineyard, vineyard IPM, the business of growing grapes, muscadines, and table grapes- eXtension an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America.
Grape Glossary eXtension
Timely Viticulture Timely Viticulture is an electronic newsletter that is designed to give those in the grape industry a timely reminder of things they should be considering in the vineyard. Since we are all busy it is not meant to be an exhaustive list of things to consider or even a full discussion of the options. It is just meant to think about what is happening and what is coming up, with some comments. To subscribe to this publication, please contact Dr. Fiola at 301-432-2767 x344 or by email at jfiola@umd.edu.
Joseph A. Fiola, Ph.D., Editor, Extension Specialist in Viticulture and Small Fruit, University of Maryland Extension
Viticulture Extension: Grape Grower Checklist This compilation of information and links for grape growers was created to address inquiries for commercial grape growing and vineyard establishment information in Virginia.
Alson H. Smith, Jr., Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech  

Explore Starting a Vineyard

New Grape Grower Workshop
Vineyard Site Selection
Soil Testing
Recommended Wine Grape Varieties for Maryland
Rootstock Selection for Grapevines
Vineyard Training Systems
Grape Publications and Resources
Table Grapes
General Viticulture