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Updated: August 18, 2022

What do the Numbers Really Mean? Interpreting Variety Trial Results (FS-1119)

These variety trial reports contain statistical information that is critical for proper interpretation of the data. However, without basic understanding of statistics, growers and end-users of the variety trial reports may misinterpret the data and draw invalid conclusions. This fact sheet addresses basic statistical concepts and how to apply them to properly interpret variety trial data. Authors: Andrew A. Kness and Nicole M. Fiorellino; Title: What do the Numbers Really Mean? Interpreting Variety Trial Results (FS-1119)
Updated: July 13, 2022

Trend-Adjusted Yield Option Introduced for Crop Insurance (FS-970)

Actual Production History (APH) is a 4- to 10-year yield average used to calculate each producer’s production guarantee. Producers with 10 years of yield history are penalized under APH because yields have increased over time, and APH yields can lag behind their most recent yields. Therefore producers with only 4 years of yield history can actually have higher average yields. Authors: Paul Goeringer and Lori Lynch; Title: Trend-Adjusted Yield Option Introduced for Crop Insurance (FS-970)