Tuesday Webinars

Check Out Women in Agriculture Webinars!

They are offered on the second Tuesday of each month. They are FREE and open to all!


2024 Webinar Schedule

Offered the second Tuesday of each month. Topics cover all areas of risk management.

9/10/2024 Interplanting for Pollinators Using a variety of native plants incorporated into the landscape can increase biodiversity and improve natural pest control. Learn more about what these insects need, and how we can encourage their populations. Mikaela Boley
10/8/2024 How to Interpret a Soil Test Report pH, organic matter, CEC, ppm, FIV, base saturation, oh my! This presentation will cover the basics of a soil test report and how to make management decisions based on your test results. Andrew Kness
11/12/2024 Advanced Cover Cropping We will present a cover crop planning protocol and tools for getting more agronomic and financial benefits from cover cropping. We will evaluate successful cover crop systems used in various farming enterprises and scales. Sarah Hirsh
The most recent webinars

Setting up a Farm Chart of Accounts
Video Length: 40:59 |  Date: July 9, 2024
Speaker: Shannon Dill
Description: A chart of accounts is the base to all financial recordkeeping. The chart of accounts is an organized classification of transactions within the business. It makes managing the finances easier to manage, categorize, and understand. This webinar will provide an introduction to setting up a farm chart of accounts. Watch video

Land Use Considerations in the Mid-Atlantic with a Focus on Solar Development
Video Length: 39:23  |  Date: June 11, 2024
Speaker: Elizabeth Thilmany & Paul Goeringer, University of Maryland
Description: Empowering Producers in Land Use Decision-Making in the Mid-Atlantic as development pressures on farmland increase. A discussion covering renewable energy developments and resources for land owner decision-making. Watch video