4-H Animal Science Information

Animal Sciences

Youth in 4-H Animal Science learn and practice life skills with an emphasis on decision making, acquiring knowledge and taking personal responsibility through participation in 4-H animal science opportunities such as project animal care, judging, skillathon, showmanship, and bowl events.

Youth develop competencies in animal science, including an understanding of animal sciences and animal management as well as an awareness of agricultural issues in society (e.g. a concern for animal well being and increasing public agricultural literacy.)

Youth have opportunities to learn how to care for animals, costs to raise animals, about the parts of an animal, breeds, and much more.  Youth can learn about animals without owning one!

Cecil County's 4-H Program offers several animal science projects and programs throughout the year.  The educational opportunities are provided through hands-on programs whether raising your own animals or leasing animals.  You do not have to own or lease an animal to participate in Cecil County 4-H Animal Science educational opportunities.

Animal Project Considerations

Tips for the First 4-H Livestock Project

Animal Science Project Areas in Cecil County

General Animal Science Information - Ownership Information & Deadlines

Animal Ownership Information & Deadlines

  • Members must be enrolled in 4-H and applicable projects by May 1 of the current year to participate in the current year Cecil County Fair 4-H events.
  • Registration papers MUST be in the full name of the 4-H EXHIBITOR ONLY in order to be eligible as a 4-H project.
  • Breeding Animal Leases (Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Swine, and Goats)-A member may not own and lease animals in the same general project area.
  • Performance Animal Leases (Horse, Dog, Alpaca and Llama)-An animal may be leased by up to two different 4-H members.
  • All Dairy Cows* and Dairy Goats* must have been owned/leased by the youth before first freshening or before 2 years of age, whichever comes first.*

Cecil County Fair Ownership for 4-H

Maryland State Fair Ownership for 4-H

Lease Form

4-H Registration Form or Identification Card

Tagging & Weigh-In

Completed MD 4-H AHQA

Alpaca 6/1 7/1 6/1 6/1 n/a 7/1
Beef, Feeder Calves 5/10 5/10 n/a 5/10 5/9-10 7/1
Beef, Steers, Market 1/1 1/1 n/a 1/6 1/6 7/1

Beef, Heifers,




7/1 (registered)

6/1 (commercial)

6/1 6/1 (commercial)



Cavy 6/1 6/1 n/a 6/1 n/a 7/1
Dairy Cattle* 6/1* 7/1* 6/1* n/a n/a 7/1
Dairy Steers, Market 1/1 1/1 n/a 1/6 1/6 7/1
Dairy, Feeder Calves 5/10 5/10 n/a 5/10 5/9-10 7/1
Dog 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 n/a n/a

Goats, Meat Commercial

Registered Breeding


7/1 (registered)

6/1 (commercial)

6/1 6/1 (commercial)



Goats, Dairy* 6/1* 7/1* 6/1* n/a n/a 7/1

Goats, Market


5/10 5/10 n/a 5/10 5/9-10 7/1
Horse, Pony 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 n/a 7/1
Pets (small & large) 6/1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Poultry Market

Broilers, Meat



(intent form)

6/1 n/a

5/15 - county

6/1 - state

n/a 7/1

Poultry Waterfowl


6/1 6/1 n/a 6/1 n/a 7/1
Rabbit, Breeding 6/1 6/1 n/a 6/1 n/a 7/1
Rabbit, Market


(intent form)

6/1 n/a

5/15 - county

6/1 - state

n/a 7/1

Sheep Commercial

Registered Breeding


7/1 (registered)

6/1 (commercial)


6/1 (commercial)




Sheep, Market 5/10 5/10 n/a 5/10 5/9-10 7/1
Swine, Breeding 6/1

7/1 (registered)

commercial not offered

6/1 6/1 (commercial) 6/1 (commercial) 7/1
Swine, Market 5/10 5/10 n/a 5/10 5/9-10 7/1


Maryland 4-H Animal Lease Forms

Animal Lease Program Statement of Understanding and Release

Breeding Animal Lease

Performance Animal Lease

**NOTE:  4-H member must complete and submit two (2) of the above forms; the Statement of Understanding and Release and one of the other lease forms - depending on the classification of the animal (breeding or performance).

General Animal Science Information - Cecil County Fair Animal Ages & Weights

2024 Cecil County Fair Animal Ages and Weights 

  • Market Broilers-Pair of broilers, each weighing a minimum of 3 lbs. each, under 7 weeks old (Hatched on or after June 1, 2024) *Submit copy of order receipt/shipping label
  • Market Ducks-Pair of ducks, each weighing over 7 pounds (Hatched on or after May 1, 2024) *Submit copy of order receipt/shipping label
  • Market Rabbits-3 rabbits, 3-5 pounds each, under 70 days old (Born on or after May 12, 2024)
  • Market Goat-55-135 pounds (Born after 9/1/23 and must have milk teeth)
  • Market Beef-minimum 1000 pounds (Born on or after 8/1/22)
  • Dairy Steer-minimum 1000 pounds (Born on or after 8/1/22)
  • Market Lambs-90-160 pounds (Born on or after 1/1/24)
  • Market Hogs-220-300 pounds (Born on or after 1/1/24)
  • No Weight Tolerances in 2024!

Youth are allowed to sell a maximum of three (3)  animals in the livestock sale and two (2) animals per species.


Market Animal Tagging and Weigh-In Information

4-H Market Goats, Market Sheep, Market Swine and Feeder Calf Projects

Thursday, May 9, 2024, 5:00-8:30 PM

Friday, May 10, 2024, 5:00-8:30 PM

4-H Market Beef & Dairy Steer

Saturday, January 6, 2024, 8:30-11:30 AM

FOR 2025:  Saturday, January 4, 2025, 8:30 - 11:30 AM


Alpaca/Llama Project

Llamas in Cecil County

Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Alpaca/Llama project.

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Beef Project

Cavy/Guinea Pig Project


Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Cavy/Guinea Pig project.

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Dairy Project

Dairy cows eating

Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Dairy project.

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Dairy Judging Events/Quiz Bowls/Skillathon Contests

Judging Events 

These events test the youth's knowledge of animal conformation and way of going.  Whether you carry a dairy cattle project or not, 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging is a great way to work with other 4-Hers to learn information about dairy cattle while having fun.  The State 4-H contest includes judging and oral reasons.  

  1. Judging:  4-H participants judge 10 classes of dairy cattle (normally 5 classes of heifers and 5 classes of cows from at least 5 different breeds).
  2. Oral Reasons:  4-H participants give 1-4 sets of reasons.

          a.  Juniors & Intermediates - 1 set of reasons

          b.  Intermediates - 2 sets of reasons

          c.  Seniors - 4 sets of reasons

Below is additional information including the study resources to prepare for the State Contest.


UME 4-H Animal Science Judging Events Resources

Holstein Foundation Dairy Judging

Virginia Tech Dairy Judging YouTube Videos

Hoard's Dairyman Dairy Judging Corner

UME 4-H Dairy Judging Video Heifers

UME 4-H Dairy Judging Video Cows

Dairy Judging Resources


Quiz Bowls 

Dairy Quiz Bowl is similar to the game show jeopardy or “It’s Academic” except all of the questions relate to the dairy cattle and dairy goat project areas. Points are given or lost by quickness and accuracy of responses. Quiz Bowl is not meant to be a memorization process, in that youth only study questions and know the answers to those questions, but they are to take the knowledge that they have and figure out the answers to the questions asked.

The purpose is to offer a positive opportunity for youth to enhance and demonstrate their knowledge and skills related to 4-H projects that interest them where attitudes of friendliness, cooperation and fairness prevail. Quiz Bowl should provide an educational experience for both participants and spectators. 4-H Quiz Bowl helps to improve and expand the quality of educational experiences that emphasize learning and it uses technology to maximize teaching and learning with youth. Quiz Bowl can be done when the weather prohibits outdoor activities. The main goal is to have FUN while learning.

Below you will find the State Contest rules and additional information including the study resources. 

Dairy Quiz Bowl Resources

UME 4-H Animal Science Quiz Bowl Events Resources


Skillathon Contests 

The primary objective of the Maryland 4-H Dairy Skillathon Contest is to provide an opportunity for youth enrolled in 4-H to demonstrate the breadth of their knowledge and understanding of animal science and management in a competitive setting where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail. The practical application of the contestants’ knowledge and skills is emphasized. The contest’s coordinators strive to provide an educational experience for participants and spectators as well as an opportunity for the creation of new friendships. 

Skillathon offers age-appropriate quizzes and stations that are designed to test youth knowledge of the dairy industry; youth move from station to station. Some stations may include visual diagrams or equipment, or hands on activities to demonstrate a dairy related technique. 

Contest Phases:

1)     The Quiz phase of the contest may include questions about the total dairy industry.

Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors –  20 questions (multiple choice and/or true/false)

2)     The Stations phase of the contest consists of a series of stations or tables where contestants will respond to the requirements of the station.

  1. Juniors, Intermediates and Seniors –  40 questions (multiple choice and/or true/false)
  2. Examples of stations which may be used include, but are not limited to: 

          a.  Breeds-Dairy Breed Identification

          b.  Dairy Equipment-General & Milking equipment identification

          c.  Feeding & Nutrition-Feed identification & Reading a feed tag

          d.  Genetics & Selection-Sire Selection & Reading a Pedigree-Genetic terms & values

          e.  Animal Care-Disease & Parasite identification, Reading a medication label, & Quality assurance

          f.  Dairy Products-Product identification (may include sampling)

          g.  Anatomy & Physiology-External parts identification, Skeletal system parts identification, Digestive system parts identification, Reproductive system parts identification and Mammary system parts identification.

Below you will find additional information including the study resources to prepare for the State Contest. 

Dairy Skillathon Resources

UME 4-H Animal Science Skillathon Events Resources

Dairy Steer

dairy steer

Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Dairy Steer project.

Dairy Steer Project Information

Market Dairy Steer Basics


Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Dog Project


Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Dog project.

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Goat (Dairy) Project

dairy goat

Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Dairy Goat project.

Goat Project Information

Maryland 4-H Dairy Goat Judging & Skills Event Info and Resource List

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Goat (Dairy) Judging & Skills Resources

Dairy Goat Judging & Skills Event

Whether you carry a goat project or not, the State 4-H Dairy Goat Judging & Skills Event is a great way to work with other 4-Hers to learn information about goats while having fun.  The contest includes judging, oral reasons, a quiz phase and station phase.  

1)      Judging: 4-H participants judge 3-4 classes of dairy goats (at least 1 class of kids/yearlings and 1 class of milkers)

2)      Oral Reasons:  4-H participant give 1-2 sets of reasons or answers questions related to a judging class.

  1. Juniors & Intermediates-1 set
  2. Seniors 2 sets

3)      Quiz: 4-H participants take a 20-40 question written exam. The quiz phase of the contest included questions about the dairy goat industry.

  1. Multiple choice/true/false questions for juniors
  2. Multiple choice/short answer questions for intermediates & seniors

4)      Stations: The contest will consist of a series of stations or tables where contestants will respond to the requirements of the station. 4-H participants also do a 20-40 question skills event. Examples of stations which may be used include, but are not limited to:

  1. Feedstuff Identification
  2. Equipment Identification
  3. Quality Assurance - Reading a medication label, feed tag, etc.
  4. Breed Identification
  5. Wholesale Meat Cuts (if time permits)
  6. Parts Identification
  7. Disease Identification.  (if time permits)

Below you will find additional information including the study resources to prepare for the State Contest. 

Dairy Goat Judging & Skills Resources

Maryland 4-H Dairy Goat Judging & Skills Event Resources



Goat (Meat) Project

Horse Project


Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Horse project.

Horse Bowl, Horse Judging, and Hippology Presentation

Maryland 4-H Horse Show Rule Book

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Pets Project


Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Pet project.

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Poultry Project


Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Poultry project (chicken and waterfowl), ducks, geese.

Broiler Basics

Meat Duck Basics

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Rabbit Project


Learn more about opportunities and requirements of carrying a 4-H Rabbit project.

Meat Rabbit Basics

Rabbit Basics Beginner

Maryland 4-H Animal Sciences Information

Sheep Project

Swine Project

Cecil County 4-H Specific Animal Forms

Animal Health & Disease Traceability

calf with ear tag

Premises registration is key to help respond to and minimize the impact of an animal disease outbreak.  The first step in implementing an animal identification system is identifying and registering premises where livestock is congregated/housed. 

Animal Health officials work with federal and state partners along with producers to establish a successful identification program that will enable rapid traces to disease suspects and therefore rapid and more effective disease control.

Maryland Department of Agriculture Animal Disease Traceability Information (and Premise Registration Form)

Maryland Animal Health Requirements

Pennsylvania Premise Registration Form (Online)

Delaware Department of Agriculture Poultry & Animal Health  Information

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Tag Information

Beef Cows in the Winter

ALL CATTLE AND SWINE ENTERING MARYLAND FAIRS AND SHOWS MUST HAVE OFFICIAL IDENTIFICATION, A RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFCATION (RFID) TAG.  If you have questions, please contact the Maryland Department of Agriculture Animal Health Headquarters, 410-841-5810, during normal business hours. 

Maryland RFID Producer Tag Order Information

MDA RFID Tags Factsheet & Requirement Explained


Scrapie Tag Information

scrapie tag on goat

Scrapie tags are required for all sheep and goats leaving the farm. Call the USDA, 804-343-2560, to order Scrapie tags and you need to register your premise. 

National Scrapie Eradication Program: Animal Identification and Recordkeeping Guide for Sheep and Goats

Maryland Department of Agriculture Animal Forms