August 2024 | Volume 15, Issue 5
Inside this issue:
- Fall Forage: Playing Catch-Up
- New Wildlife Management Classes & Community
- Wildlife Management Webinars
- Small Grain Variety Trials
- Soybean Research Field Day
- Reporting Tar Spot
- Podworms in Soybeans
- Ag Technology Conference
- Monthly Grain Market Outlook
- Summer Grazing Management
- USDA Notice to Beneficiaries
Results of the 2024 Maryland Wheat and Barley Variety Trials are now available. The trials evaluate wheat and barley yield, head scab/DON, and growth of select varieties planted across the state of Maryland. Data is used to help farmers and crop advisors select the best performing varieties. When picking varieties, remember to select varieties that have good yield stability and have good resistance to Fusarium head blight.
An online copy of the report can be downloaded at https://blog.umd.edu/agronomynews/2024/07/29/2024-umd-small-grain-variety-trials/ or contact your local Extension office for a hard copy.
For more information about how to interpret and apply variety trial data, consult this factsheet. For questions regarding the small grain trials, contact Dr. Vijay Tiwari (vktiwari@umd.edu) or Dr. Nidhi Rawat (nidhirwt@umd.edu).

By Andrew Kness, Senior Agriculture Agent, University of Maryland Extension-Harford County
As you are scouting your corn fields, be on the lookout for tar spot. With funding from the Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board, we are conducting a survey of tar spot’s distribution in Maryland. If you have tar spot, or think you might, please report it to corn.ipmpipe.org or reach out to me at akness@umd.edu or (410) 638-3255. Reports are kept anonymous and individuals and/or farms are not identified in any public reports or publications.
Event: Soybean Research Field Day
Date: August 8, 2024 | Thursday
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. | Cost: FREE (registration is required)
Location: Wye Research and Education Center,124 Wye Narrows Drive Queenstown, MD 21658
Description: Featured studies include:: A New Kind of Farmer Participatory Research - UMD-TAPS, Crop and Soil Impacts of Basalt Application, Earlier Planting Date and Decreased Population Impacts on Full Season Early Maturity Soybeans, Evaluation of Early Maturity Soybeans for Maryland Production, Improving Herbicide Resistant Weed Management in Maryland Soybean, and Optimizing Precision Irrigation Management for Soybean Crop in Maryland
Lunch is included during this FREE event!
Event: Wildlife Speaker Series
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Time: Noon
- August 21, 2024 - Singing the Blues: The Ecological and Economic Consequences of Invasive Catfish in Chesapeake Bay. Speaker: Allison Colden, Maryland Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
- September 18, 2024 - Chasing Giants: Manage Your Land to Harvest a Mature Buck. Speaker: Don Higgins, Higgins Outdoors.
- October 16, 2024 - Managing Expectations in Wildlife Management. Speaker:
Sheldon Owens, Wildlife Management Specialist, University of West Virginia Extension
More information or to register: https://www.wildlife.umd.edu/
Event: 2024 Cultivating Innovation in Maryland's Agriculture & Technology
Date: December 12, 2024 | Thursday
Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Cost: $85 (after Nov. 28th $120.00)
Location: Crowne Plaza: Annapolis, 173 Jennifer Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
Description: Join Marlanders online and the University of Maryland Extension for a day filled with exploration into technologies transforming the agriculture sector. Gain insights into upcoming innovations and their real-world applications in enhancing productivity and profitability.
Register: https://go.umd.edu/cimat24registration
New Wildlife Management Classes & Community
Sharing land & habitat management practices that will help support the wonder and beauty of the natural world.
Whether you're a seasoned landowner or just want to deepen your knowledge, this new community is your hub for land management advice for wildlife, biodiversity, and ecosystem health.
What we offer:
- Expert Insights: Have a burning question? Just post it! I'm here to provide personalized answers and guidance.
- Actionable Steps: Get practical tips to make a real impact on the natural beauty and diversity of your land.
- Foundational knowledge: Understand the principles behind how ecosystems work that inform practices.
- Community Tips: Sharing our challenges and successes accelerates our learning.
Private lands are crucial for wildlife and diverse ecosystems. Join today to find out how you can manage your property to support diverse and abundant wildlife.

Name of Organization: University of Maryland Extension
Name of Program: Agriculture and Food Systems
Contact Information for Program Staff: Andrew Kness, Editor, Senior Agriculture Agent | 410-638-3255 | akness@umd.edu
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Download Agronomy News, August 2024, Vol. 15, Issue 5 (pdf)
Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published by the University of Maryland Extension, Agriculture & Food Systems Agronomy Team every month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. The subscription is free.