2020-2021 Virtual Fruit and Vegetable Meetings
Vegetables and fruits grown in Maryland represent over 953 farms and 29,339 acres of cropland with a market value of over $71 million (NASS 2012). In order to provide the most current education and research, the University of Maryland Extension provides winter meetings for Maryland farmers, crop advisors, and agriculture professionals. The goal of the program is to provide updates on products, research results, and regulatory certifications.
Farmers from the Eastern Shore to Western Maryland participate in annual winter vegetable meetings to increase crop production knowledge, meet regulatory

requirements and improve production practices. In the winter 2020 season, 116 farmers attended sessions. Of those attending 45% have been farming for more than 20 years with the average farmer tilling 57 acres.
New Practice
to Implement
Improved pest management, crop production efficiencies, and knowledge of regulations.
say UMD Extension programming will increase their yield per acre.
say the information they learned will benefit them.
say UMD Extension programming will increase their earnings per acre by at least $1.
“Thanks for the timely and important updates!”
"Always find value in Extension programs. Thank you!"