Caraway (Carum carvi)
Caraway is a biennial plant that grows about 30 inches tall. The flowers appear in flat, white clusters and the finely cut leaves resemble those of carrots.

Caraway can be easily raised from seed. Usually, plants do not bear seed the first year they are planted, but if planted in the fall, they will bear seeds the following year. This herb is not easily transplanted. If sown in rows, thin to 8 to 12 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. Protect roots with mulch in winter.
Seeds can be picked when ripe, about a month after flowering, when they are grayish-brown color.
Caraway seeds have a warm, aromatic odor and flavor and are popular in cooking but especially in bakery items. The oil of caraway seeds is an important ingredient in liqueurs. Use in Hungarian-type dishes, coleslaw, cheese spreads, meat stews and fish casseroles.