Blue sedge. Photo: 111051702, (c) Paul Marcum, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

About blue sedge
Carex glaucodea
Perennial graminoid
Sedge Family
Maryland Distribution: Found in woods and meadows throughout the state.
Height: Up to 6 inches
Blooms: Inconspicuous yellow blooms in spring.
Sun: Full shade to full sun, only in full sun where moisture is adequate.
Soil: Grows in moderately moist to wet soils of any texture.
Garden Use & Maintenance: A handsome evergreen that can be used to create winter interest, for garden borders, between and around stepping stones, in rain gardens, or to create a small, open lawn look (we suspect heavy foot traffic is not an option). An alternative to Liriope. The dense clumps of powdery blue-green blades contrast nicely with the broad green foliage of plants like mayapple, bloodroot, and white wood aster. Very light self-sowing. Trimming/mowing is not necessary, but tidy gardeners may wish to trim at the end of winter to maximize the appearance of fresh, spring growth, and again in late summer after the plants have gone to seed. Potted divisions and seedlings make excellent winter gifts.
Wildlife: Sedges are important butterfly host plants and birds eat the seeds.
Deer proof

Blue sedge in December
Related information
Additional resource
Publications for Gardeners | Maryland Native Plant Society
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