Grapes - University of Maryland Extension
This webpage is designed for the commercial grape producer but is also appropriate for the beginner. Topics include starting a vineyard, viticulture education, pest and weed management, equipment, and business planning. Many publications and workshop presentations are also provided.
Spring Vineyard Pruning - Beginning Farm Success
Ben Beale, University of Maryland Extension educator, shares tips and techniques for spring vineyard pruning.
Aronia Research Website - University of Maryland Extension
Containing more antioxidants than blueberries, aronia (aka black chokeberry) is an old fruit crop that is making its way to Maryland farms. This alternative crop is being studied for organic fruit production at the University of Maryland Extension. The fruit grows in clusters of 10 to 20 berries and each is the size of a large blueberry. However, the fruit is more closely related to an apple. The University of Maryland Extension’s aronia research website provides good information for the aronia grower. Topics covered include: establishment, management, pest monitoring, phenology, production timeline, and more.
Tree Fruits: Organic Production Overview - ATTRA National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
ATTRA’s Master Publication List - includes many guides for the organic production of tree and small fruit (There is a cost for some publications):
Fruit Production Webpages - Penn State Extension
Each webpage contains information about fruit production including marketing, site selection, land preparation, acquiring trees, planting, production considerations, pollination, thinning, fertilization, pruning, harvesting & storage. Also included are sample budget sheets. Fruit production pages include:
Virginia Cooperative Extension
These publications are written for Virginia, but much of the information applies to Maryland. Each publication contains a great wealth of information including topics such as site & variety selection; pollination; rootstocks; tree acquisition; planting; spacing; tree care for the first, second & third years; harvesting, fruit storage, wildlife problems, and pest control.
Tree Fruit Production Guide - Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences
Revised every two years, this guide covers topics for tree fruit growers including culture, nutrition, spraying, pesticides, storage, weeds, insects, diseases and more.