Why is learning about prevention important?

As you explore the Prevention Learning Portal you will find a variety of self-paced learning modules related to prevention science. You will learn how early efforts to identify youth, family, and school risk factors can keep both youth and adults on a positive trajectory in their communities.
Content. The courses offered through this Portal are self-paced, prevention-focused learning opportunities developed by experts with significant experience in providing technical assistance to communities.
Flexibility. These courses have been designed to fit your schedule -- you may start a course and then pause training as needed.
Questions? If you have questions or require additional information, each course includes an email link.
Create an account or login to the Prevention Learning Portal to...
Expand your knowledge
Build your skills
Enhance your capacity
…to apply evidence-based prevention approaches in your work and practice.
This eLearning Portal has been created to offer prevention information to those new to prevention and to increase the knowledge of those who work actively in prevention efforts in their communities. Our aim is to provide service providers and practitioners with the resources needed to fully inform them about prevention and intervention approaches and applications. Our overall vision is to increase knowledge and encourage adoption and utilization of prevention science frameworks and implementation science principles.
Learn more about the Prevention Learning Portal project and the eLearning course.

This project is supported by grant #1H79TI085603-01 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).