2020-2021 Women in Agriculture

The MidAtlantic Women in Agriculture program engages, educates and empowers women on common issues in risk management. Farming is a unique business that has strong ties to family, values and land. These strong ties lead to the need for outreach and education on risk management topics such as financial planning, estate planning, marketing, communication, computer programs, budgeting, insurance and much more. As profit margins slim and expenses rise the importance of mitigating these risks has increased.
Women in agriculture programs will:
- increase knowledge
- implement risk management
- increase farm profitability

This network reaches over 500 farm women in Maryland and Delaware as well as surrounding states. MidAtlantic Women in Agriculture deliver risk and farm management training to women in the region through a variety of learning environments. These include:
- Annie’s Project classes – 8-week course, 514 attendees, 20 unique locations
- Managing for Today and Tomorrow – 6-week course, 29 women
- Regional Women in Agriculture Conference – 175 participants across 5 states
- Wednesday Webinars - 2 webinars offered each month in the 5 areas of risk management
For more information visit: https://go.umd.edu/womeninag
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