2021 Virtual Forage Meetings

Maryland farmers cultivate 260,000 acres of forage crops. In 2021, The University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Food Systems (AgFS) hosted two virtual winter meetings on forage crops. 70 people attended each meeting. 42% have been farming for more than 20 years. More than half farm between 25 and 300 acres. 31 agriculture service providers also attended.
Topics for the 2021 winter sessions included incorporating warm-season forages in a forage-based system, pasture renovation, and weed management for pastures and hayfields.
New Practices to Implement
Improved manure and nutrient management, crop production efficiencies, and conservation best management.
say UMD Extension programming will increase their yield per acre.
say the information they learned will benefit them.
say UMD Extension programming will increase their earnings per acre by at least $1.
“Prefer virtual, saves time and fuel, but sure missed the ice cream cake and spiced peaches at the Baden firehouse!”
“I appreciated the attention to managing seasonal forages for optimal production.”