Welcome to the University of Maryland Extension (UME) Calvert’s website.
Navigating the website has changed for all of Extension, we think you will find the new site very well laid out and easy to use. The banner along the top of the home page (About, Resources, Programs, etc.) provides information relating to Extension state-wide.
To search for programs specific to UME Calvert, click on the Program Area in the banner “Explore Our Location” under the photo of our office building. There you will find information regarding the program and upcoming events. At the bottom of the home page under “What’s Going On” are events being offered by other UME offices, but are available for all to participate in.
We thank you for visiting our site, and hope you find many opportunities offered by Extension to be a life-long learner!

Nutrient Management Program Changes by the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA):
Read Dean Beyrouty and Dr. Jinhee Kim’s Letter to the Community
Get answers to your questions about the program changes
Contact your local Extension office for more information
UME Nutrient Management Advisors
To obtain old/current planning documents and information, farmers should contact their current or prior nutrient management advisor or county ag agent. In the case that they are not available, please leave your contact information with your local county office and someone will get back to you asap.
Position Announcements:
Principal Agent and Assistant Director (FCS)
The University of Maryland Extension (UME), within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR), seeks the Assistant Director and Program Leader (AD/PL) for Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS). Our FCS program is committed to improving the health and socioeconomic well-being of Maryland’s individuals, families, and communities through innovative education, research, and outreach. Our FCS program strives to prevent and manage chronic diseases, promote food safety, teach financial and health insurance literacy, address mental health needs, and enhance the digital divide, focusing on innovation and excellence. Responsibilities include identifying emerging issues, developing and maintaining university-wide and external partnerships, securing and managing resources for extension education and applied research projects, ensuring innovative and impactful program implementation, and advancing health equity and well-being. We seek candidates who are passionate about impacting the lives of Maryland residents and possess the leadership skills and expertise to elevate our FCS programs to new heights. AD/PL is a tenured faculty position at the full professor or principal agent rank.
Position Number: 103322
Best Consideration Date: 10/30/2024
Open Until Filled: Yes
If you or someone you know would excel in this role, we encourage you to apply or share the opportunity with your professional network. For more information and to apply, please visit ejobs website.
Agent, Extension Specialist - Natural Resources
The Natural Resources Specialist serves statewide and provides leadership for educational program development, delivery, and evaluation on a variety of natural resources and environmental sciences topics including forest management, soil and water conservation, environmental science topics and other related issues. Stakeholders include woodland and farmland owners, natural resource professionals, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, UME volunteer audiences such as Master Naturalists and Master Gardeners, youth and others. The Specialist will facilitate partnerships with university colleagues, local, state and federal agencies, forestry/natural resource associations, nonprofit organizations and others to develop relevant educational products and programs.
Position Location: Keedysville, MD
Position Number: 103582
Best Consideration Date: 10/15/2024
Open Until Filled: Yes
For more details and to submit your application, please visit the ejobs website.
Agent, Regional Watershed Restoration Specialist
The University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) is a leading Land-Grant institution providing teaching, research, and Extension programs through University of Maryland Extension (UME) to a diverse clientele in the State of Maryland and beyond. UME seeks to fill a 12-month, tenure-track faculty position in watershed-based education with a particular focus on green infrastructure and nature-based solutions at individual and community landscape levels. The Regional Watershed Specialist for the Capital Cluster will work in the Anne Arundel, Charles, and Prince George’s counties of Maryland as well as statewide to provide non-formal education and technical assistance to stakeholders, including local and county governments, watershed groups, communities, and individuals. Education programming will focus on practices that improve water quality and quantity at the local level that lead to quantifiable reductions in non-point sources of pollution as well as improvement of water quantity/quality issues in the face of changing climate, increasing catastrophic weather events and intensities in a rapidly urbanizing region and state. The educator will be a member of the University of Maryland Extension’s Watershed Protection and Restoration Program (WPRP), consisting of faculty members with similar education responsibilities in other regions of the state. The educator will work closely with the Maryland Sea Grant Program (MDSG) to assist with implementing strategic Sea Grant initiatives that emphasize environmental justice and climate resiliency.
Position Number: 103372
Best Consideration Date: 06/30/2024
Open Until Filled: Yes
For more details and to submit your application, please visit the ejobs website.
What does UME do?
2019 - 2022 UME Highlight Report
Southern Maryland Tech Extension
Important Links: