Key points
Sowbugs and pillbugs are the only crustaceans that have adapted to a life on land.
They are oval in shape, convex above, and flat beneath. They are gray in color, and 1/2 to 3/4 inch long. Sowbugs have two small tail-like appendages at the rear, and pillbugs do not.
Pillbugs can roll up into a ball, but sowbugs cannot.
Sowbugs and pillbugs live outdoors and like moist locations, such as under objects and plant debris.
They are beneficial decomposers, feeding on decaying organic matter in the garden.
![sowbug and pillbug](/
They may invade damp basements and the first floors of houses.
They can be controlled by modifying conditions that are favorable to their development immediately outside the home.
Remove hiding places like stones or boards as well as leaves, plant debris, or mulch close to the foundation of your home.
Properly ventilate basements and crawlspaces to eliminate excess moisture.
Repair and seal cracks and openings along foundation walls, doors, and windows. Tighten up door and window openings with weather stripping.
Escort visitors outside. Typically pillbugs and sowbugs dry out quickly and die indoors.
Rev. 2020