June 16, 2022 | Volume 3, Issue 2
The best (busiest) time of year is here—summer! Summer means longer days, more sunshine, and, of course, warmer temperatures. We’ve already had a handful of 90+ degree days, but it’s important to stay on top of heat stress management. Everyone usually remembers that the milking herd needs additional cooling measures—shade, fans, sprinklers, etc. But it’s important not to forget about dry cows and heifers. While it’s not always possible to provide access to fans and sprinklers, make sure that these groups of animals have access to plenty of fresh water and shade at the very least. These animals are or are growing the future of the herd. Many research studies have shown that heat stress has many negative short- and long-term effects.
We are partnering with MDIA to host an on-farm education day in New Windsor on July 12th. See page 9 for more details. Additional educational opportunities that may be of interest are listed on page 15.
In this issue, we focus on calf scours, ketosis, and tips for improving hayfield productivity. Please contact me if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions (sbpotts@umd.edu; 301-432-2767 ext. 324).
Best Regards,
Sarah Potts
Extension Specialist, Dairy & Beef

By Sarah Potts, Ph.D., Extension Specialist, Dairy & Beef
Diarrhea, also known as scours, is the number one leading illness in dairy calves (respiratory infection is number two). Scours can lead dehydration, which, if severe, can...Read more
Ketosis in the dairy cow: Friend or Foe?
Naghme Bagheri, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Associate and J. Eduardo Rico, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, University of Maryland Department of Animal & Avian Sciences
What is ketosis? why do we worry about it?
We commonly see ketosis as an energy disorder of the modern dairy cow, a telltale that things are not going well, and on...Read more

The Dairy Team Welcomes a Summer Intern
By Nathan Villiger University of Maryland Extension Summer Intern
Student Update

Hello everyone! My name is Nathan Villiger, and I am one of the University of Maryland Extension’s new summer interns. I currently attend St. Mary’s College of Maryland where I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in environmental science with minors in political science and biology. For the next ten weeks I will be working with Sarah Potts, Amanda Grev, and Jeff Semler at the Western Maryland Research and Education Center as part of UME’s new Creating Leadership and Professional Development Through Extension Internship. Through this program I will be assisting Sarah, Amanda, and Jeff with ongoing research at various extension sites, as well as engaging in traditional extension outreach and developing my own professional skills. Though I am new to extension, I have worked on and around farms my entire life having grown up in Montgomery County’s agricultural reserve. My particular interests lie in hay and forage production, as well as grazing and pasture management. Thus, I am excited to work with Sarah, Amanda, and Jeff as they have several research studies that deal with these topics. In addition, I hope to contribute a few written pieces to Maryland Dairy News and other extension publications, and I am looking forward to learning more about Maryland agriculture!
Additional information about this program can be found at: https://extension.umd.edu/resource/workforce-development-extension-internships
How Low Can You Go? The Cutting Height Debate
By Amanda Grev, Ph.D. Extension Specialist, Pasture & Forages
When it comes to production of harvested forages like hay or baleage, stand decline is a common issue many producers face. Unfortunately, like most things there...Read more

Events & Announcements
- Maryland Dairy Day - July 12th @10 am, Coldsprings Farm, New Windsor, MD. Daytime event is hosted by University of Maryland Extension and the Maryland Dairy Industry Association. For more information and to register, visit: go.umd.edu/dairy-day-2022
- 4H Youth Dairy Judging Practices. Contact Brian Schnebly (bschnebl@umd.edu) for additional information.
- June 28th - Frederick County Fairgrounds
- July 6th - Spring Valley Farm, Westminster
- July 14th - Maple Dell Farm, Woodbine
- July 26th - Crown Stone Farm, Clear Spring
- July 31st - Carroll County Fairgrounds
- Pasture Walk at Mule Run Farm - July 7th @6 pm, Mule Run Farms, Houston,DE. For more information and to register, visit: go.umd.edu/julypasturewalk.
- Maryland Beef Webinar: Mineral Nutrition for Beef Cattle - July 12th @7:30 pm. Visit go.umd.edu/beef-webinars for more information and to register.
- Maryland Beef Webinar: Stockpiling Tips - August 9th @7:30 pm. Visit go.umd.edu/beef-webinars for more information and to register.
- Women in Agriculture Webinar: Understanding Herbicide Resistance and Adapting Your Weed Management Program - August 10th @12pm. Visit https://extension.umd.edu/news-events/events/event/6912/wednesday-webinar-understanding-herbicide-resistance-and-adapting-your-weed-management-program for more information and to register.
Maryland Milk Moos is a quarterly newsletter published by the University of Maryland Extension that is focused on dairy topics related to Nutrition and Production, Herd Management, and Forage Production. To view previous editions click here...
Comments and suggestions regarding the newsletter are always welcome. References to commercial products or trade names are made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the University of Maryland Extension is implied. Articles and photographs may be reprinted with permission.
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