July 28, 2023 | Volume 4, Issue 2
The summer is in full swing and many of us keep watching the weather forecast with the hope of seeing some rain. With field work on everyone’s to-do list, make sure to take a minute to be mindful of safety. We’re all busy and sometimes it is tempting to cut corners, but don’t do it! Always turn equipment off before servicing or inspecting and take care around PTOs. Be aware of your surroundings and people or animals that may be around you. This is especially important if you have children around the farm. Always look twice.
In this issue, we focus on dry cow heat stress, dissecting organic labels for consumers, and summer grazing management. This will be my last issue as editor of Maryland Milk Moos, as I am leaving the University to begin another chapter. I will be passing the newsletter on to our new Dairy Extension Specialist in College Park, Dr. Fabiana Cardoso. She can be reached at 301-405-1401 or cardosof@umd.edu. I have enjoyed putting together this newsletter during my time with University of Maryland Extension.
Educational opportunities that may be of interest are listed below. Additional resources can be found on our extension page: go.umd.edu/dairyextension.
Best Regards,
Sarah Potts
Extension Specialist, Dairy & Beef

Heat Stress Mitigation is Important for Dry Cows
By Sarah Potts, Ph.D., Extension Specialist, Dairy & Beef
As the summer heats up, heat stress alleviation is often one of the top things on every dairy producer’s mind. Historically, heat stress mitigation strategies have been heavily researched and promoted for lactating cows. Indeed, the economic consequence...Read more about Heat Stress Mitigation is Important for Dry Cows.
Organic Dairy Production Standards: Educating the Consumer
By Emily Stamper, Extension Intern, UME—Washington County and WMREC
There are a lot of questions and misconceptions when it comes to conventional versus organic milk. The USDA has five main points for milk to be certified as organic. The first is that the cows must be raised under...Read more about Organic Dairy Production Standards: Educating the Consumer.

Summer Grazing Management Tips
By Amanda Grev, Ph.D., Extension Specialist, Pasture & Forages
This summer has certainly been hot and dry for many of us, which has reduced productivity of many cool-season perennial grass pastures. As we continue into the traditionally driest, hottest days of summer, there are management practices that can be...Read more about Summer Grazing Management Tips.
Events and Announcements
- Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinar: Smart Actions for Mental Health – August 9th @12 pm. Visit https://extension.umd.edu/news-events/events/event/7493/wednesday-webinars-smart-actions-mental-health for more information and to register.
- Pasture Management Seminar — August 9th @ 5:30 pm, Berkley Farms, Darlington, MD. Visit https://extension.umd.edu/news-events/events/event/7683/pasture-management-seminar for more information and to register.
- Pasture Walk—August 21st @ 6:00 pm, Leaning Pine Farms, Mount Savage, MD. Visit https://extension.umd.edu/news-events/events/event/7601/pasture-walk-leaning-pine-farm for more information.
- Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinar: Agricultural Taxes – September 13th @12 pm. Visit https://extension.umd.edu/news-events/events/event/7494/wednesday-webinar-agricultural-taxes for more information and to register.
- Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture Wednesday Webinar: Estate Planning – October 11th @12 pm. Visit https://extension.umd.edu/news-events/events/event/7495/wednesday-webinars-estate-planning for more information and to register.
Maryland Milk Moos is a quarterly newsletter published by the University of Maryland Extension that is focused on dairy topics related to Nutrition and Production, Herd Management, and Forage Production. To view previous editions click here...
Comments and suggestions regarding the newsletter are always welcome. References to commercial products or trade names are made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the University of Maryland Extension is implied. Articles and photographs may be reprinted with permission.
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